Yet Another Useful Set of Swift Extensions

Hello, let’s start the year 2021 with a lightweight article for you Swift developers around the globe. Together we will check out some useful extensions you can use daily.
By the way, every extension has a usage example. Great news ha?! Yeah, I know.
Drum playing…
- Starting with String:
- The strikeThrough extension allows us to strike through a given string to be able to use it in our views, like the below example in UILabel:
Our UILabel Output:

2. The toDouble extension converts a given string to Double. Here is an example:

- Second, let’s move to Array:
Let’s shuffle an array:
Output: Shuffled enough right?

- Third, let’s check Sequence:
Slicing an array into groups can never be easier. Here is a sample:
Output: As you can see here, a very simple example that is grouped by the repeated value. You can play with it and group an array by Date for example. Go ahead try it on your own.

- Now with Double:
Rounding a value with given places:
Output: rounded with 3 as we passed in our argument.

- Finally, let’s with Date:
Converting a Date into a string:
- We can use the toDateString() to convert directly a given into a simple date string.
- toTimeString() converts a given Date value into time string.
- Finally, we see the toGiven(DateTimeFormat format: string) this is very useful when you need to pass in a different date format every time.

Bonus: Here are more useful Date Formats you can use through our last extension toGiven(DateTimeFormat format: string)
example: toGiven(DateTimeFormat format: “MMM d, h:mm a
”) will give you: Sep 12, 2:11 PM

Hope you have learned something new and useful today.
By the way here is my Twitter for more:
Thank you!